Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Online Dating 2day - Stand out in avoiding cliches

Snapshots in your profile are a quick way to make you look like everyone. When you write your profile, try to avoid cliches and focus on more unique aspects of your life.

Recently Date.com 3000 survey of its members (see our News section in this issue) to find out what the biggest and most boring of shots that people were used in their profile. The winners (which you should avoid at all costs) were as follows:

"No liars or players!"
"This is not sufficient space to summarize my life," followed by a long bill.
"I know how to treat a lady"
"I like long moonlit walks on the beach"

Try to be more original in your approach to describe your interests. Instead of saying "I know how to treat a woman," be more specific (but honest): "If I am interested in a woman, I like to do additional things for her to show how much I appreciate his" ( set an example if you wish). Or take a still more unique (but honest). "May I rarely opened the car door for you, but my car is paid off!"

When you read the profiles of people you are attracted, you'll probably see that they avoid stereotypes and have a unique way to present themselves. That's what you want to accomplish. Be creative and original in your approach. It will attract greater interest of others.

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