Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Online Dating 2day - Talking To A Potential Date

If you are a man, unless you have a photo of a supermodel and the income of a banker, you can be assured that no reasonably thin woman living in America will contact you (even if I Many Americans were plump, thin and Nigerians and Russians contact me), so you should go outside and find someone to contact. As a woman, you're more easily, many men will contact you, but not always the ones you want. Anyway you have to understand who you are on the point of contact.

Use filters evident in your search, such as age, size, ethnicity, location, education and maybe (and perhaps other filters). This will be put in place a long list. Sort through it gradually, for example by going two years at a time (look at the 29-30 years, followed by 31-32 years, etc.) Just look at those who have registered in the past 3-4 days. If they are not connected, more recently than that, they are not active members.


When you look at the profiles, look at what your potential dates are looking in terms of age and height. If you are only on the top of their age, not just to do with them. If you are on the lowest range height of their range (speaking women's preferences here), not bothered to do with them. It will just be a waste of your valuable time.

Even with these filters, it can be a very large number of travel. Here is a way to accelerate the process.

Above all, look at the image first. Ask yourself, can you be attracted by this figure? The answer must come in a split second, and it should be yes, no or maybe. If the answer is no, go ahead immediately, if it is yes or maybe, click on the profile and see if there are other photos. If, after considering other photos, the answer is always yes or maybe, then it is time to read the profile.

You can ignore most of the check box options of interest, being convinced that the person filling out the profile has thus controlling things almost at random. Focusing on the introduction of the paragraph. Strike-t-il as you interesting, or at least, non-offensive? Have you read the thought, "There are things here that would be interesting to talk?" If so, this is a good sign, if you have to strain to think of something to write about his reading after his intro paragraph, it is a bad sign. Look also to the profession. Remember that people talk a lot about their profession. If you do not want to hear about the misfortunes of accounting, are not an accountant. If, after briefly reviewing the profile, you still have some interest, copy and paste the name of the person and come back later. But do not write his time.

Surprised? You still have hundreds of profiles to pass. Write a careful, thought-mail takes time and effort. The move back and forth between writing e-mails and try hundreds of profiles is mentally very taxation. Better to concentrate on one thing at a time. Gather all the names you might be interested, and then go back and write. It is also good to keep a list of those contacted you, so you will not come into contact with twice (not that it would be a bad thing, just a waste of your valuable time).

When you're done, you should have a list of more than 40 and hopefully less than a 100 names, if you are a man, or 20-50 names if you are a woman. Why do men need so many names? Historically, the response rate for men in dating site lies between 5-15%, yes, only about 10% of women bother to respond, and only the initial e-mail, an even lower will talk with you on the phone and only a fraction of those who are out with you. Part of the reason is that there are many more men than women in these services to dating there is more competition. Women have a little easier.

Once you've reached the initial group, monitoring once a week to check for new names, and repeat, until you meet someone you like (or until you resign from the meeting). That's where keeping the list of people you contact is practical.

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Online Dating 2day - Your Photo Profile

The most important thing to fill in your profile is the photo of your profile. You could say that you are dependent on drugs as a former prostitute who has been divorced three times, but if you have a large photo you'll always get ten times more e-mails as an investment banker with a photograph dull . We must go on the essentials:

(1) The first photo must show you smiling. Graves photos do not look very friendly. A few people can look good with a slight smile, but simply stupid. If a slight smile does not work, try a broad smile. Take several samples of several types of smiles and show them to your friends and get several opinions (it helps to have a digital camera for this). Make sure your face is not dark or bright with a bright light shining on it. This is the most important part of the profile so it is important that you things as they should.

(2) The first photo should show your face in a closely. A shrinked version of your photo will be used in the dating service directory. If you used a distant coup or agency for your first photo, your face will be minimal shrinked the photo. The faces seem more attractive when you can see the eyes closely, but not so close that you can not see the whole face and hair. In the shrinked versions, plans that are not making big eyes look like tiny dots.

3) You should also have a secondary photo showing your body. If you do not, people will think you are hiding something (that you're fat). The shooting can show you almost everywhere, but try to avoid shots from anywhere along the old boyfriends / girlfriends or do something goofy. Men, wear shirts. The women, bras. If you're in a fanciful costume or dress it can cut both ways - it can make you look good, but you do too much fantasy-fantasy. It is better to show you relaxed clothing, if you have a good idea.

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Monday, May 26, 2008

Online Dating 2day - 7 Steps To Practice Online & Offline For Online Dating

Here are some tips online dating to the practice followed by some "offline" and "online" dating advice if you decide to meet someone.

Love Dating

Source Photo:

"Online dating"

1. Do not include personal information in your profile, for example, your address, workplace address, e-mail address or telephone number. Sites meeting worthy of making safety paramount so that their members can be part of a safe online dating environment and personal information in your profile will be automatically deleted.

2. Take time to learn about someone online before disclosing any personal information about yourself and before arranging to meet him or her. Take advantage of anonymous messaging.

3. Do not lie in your profile or your false picture. Remember, honesty is indeed the best policy and if you are serious about meeting someone genuine, be yourself.

4. It is a good idea to set up a free email account such as Hotmail. In this way, you do not use your personal e-mail address where you no longer wish to have contact with a member.

5. Be careful if you believe that a member is located at you. Beware of someone who: --

Pressurises you to respond instantly.

Pressurises you for your personal information when they will not provide
personal information.

-- East incompatible with information on their age, marital status, employment, etc.

-- Avoid reasonable answer questions directly.

-- Contradicts information on their profiles or they have already said.

6. Do not be afraid to flirt a little if that is what you feel, but do not be too flirtatious as it could be taken in the wrong direction. Never talk about sex or imply this is what you are looking for.

7. If someone makes you uncomfortable stop e-mail him. Again, most dating sites known to offer ways for you to block instant messages from a member who becomes a nuisance.

Welcome to 100% free online dating site with video chat feature!

Source Photo:
"Offline Dating"

1. If you decide you want to meet someone off-line only provide minimum information to begin. Start with your e-mail and mobile phone number. Both can be easily changed if necessary.

2. If you call another member to use the blocking feature to prevent your number appearing on Caller ID.

3. If you agree to meet someone, always ensure that it is in a public place, and preferably in daylight for the first meeting. Do not hold a first meeting in your home and never invite them to your home until you feel ready to do so.

4. Always let someone else know who you'll meet, where you are going and what time you should be back.

5. Take your mobile phone with you and keep it turned on.

6. Do not drink too much and never leave your drink unattended keep your mind on you!

7. Take enough money for a bus home and does not accept a lift home with your date even if you seem to be a grown-up.

Finally, be reasonable and trust your instincts that are usually right!

Original Full Article :

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Sunday, May 25, 2008

Online Dating 2day - The Success Of The Women's Pursuit

The success is clearly intimidating; why it is intimidating is much less clear. The idea that someone else (mainly someone else just sex) has determined the best things that we do seems to make us afraid. This should really make us fear is fear that can keep us great experience.

The success of a woman can mean many things: Many women define their success as a product of their life or their ability to advise their friends. The success of this article addresses east of the career variety: the type of engine, intelligent and capable women who thrive in the business world. Successful career women May-be partners in training their law firms, CEOs of a company or publishers of popular magazines. However, they all know how to take charge and get things moving. This seems to be the most intimidating of all.

Successful woman - Credit:


Instead of being afraid to pursue successfully the women to embrace their success as part of what makes them so attractive. If you connected a senior woman and do not know how to manage his or you are a guy who's interested in finding one, not be threatened, instead take it as a challenge to receive such capable women interested in to engage with you. Use the following tips to enhance your ability to woo while continuing success with women

Know where to find them
Women who are go-getters want to spend their precious time in the media, because they probably have little precious. They will not be suspended just waiting for Prince Charming. This means that when you are successfully pursuing women May you must show a little ingenuity to get their implementation.

One of the most popular places to find the powerful nowadays is the gym. Women who have control of their careers tend to be those who have control over their lives and bodies, and to keep fit and healthy. So, if you continue successfully make sure women prowl the weight rooms, but beware: There are some pitfalls to this plan. Women do not want to feel harassed while they're trying to do their training in the morning. Approach successful women carefully so as to seem casual, and not be too stressing.

You can also look in places where a businesswoman is likely to go in the course of its day. Arrival of bars and restaurants in the business district and click on the dinner hour - just as the workday ends. Try the line at coffee bar early in the morning or tram during rush hour. The trick of these times is busy women find success when they are inactive, and conversation. In this way, you're more confident, you're not holding her when he rushes.

His Court
Although success May you see women like Powers, they are still women and want to be treated as such. Whether you're just trying to get a date when you successfully prosecute women or that you have been a number of times, do not be afraid to offer your jacket, holding a door or take his place for a days

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