Thursday, May 22, 2008

Online Dating 2day - Jealousy...Is It Good?Bad? or Ugly?

Are you too jealous? It's normal to feel jealous in some situations -- but what if it's all of them? When does it cross the line? I'll explain when jealousy is appropriate, when jealousy is inappropriate and when it's just plain extreme. Plus, check out my foolproof 10-step plan for taming the green-eyed monster in all of us.

Jealous girlfriend - Credit:

Where it comes from
Trust: It's quite possibly the most essential ingredient in a good relationship. You can have matching libidos. You can have the same goals, dreams and desires. You can both enjoy wearing space suits during sex! However, without trust, it all means nothing. For some people, trust comes easily. They work on the assumption that someone will be faithful until they're proven wrong. If this is you, count yourself as one of the lucky ones. Sure, you might get a nasty surprise now and again, but at least you're giving relationships the best chance they've got to succeed. Giving someone your trust means putting your heart in their hands for safe keeping. It's a precious present and it takes guts to do it.

Then there are the rest of us: the battle-scarred. If you've been hurt before, or if you grew up with parents who cheated, trusting your partner can seem as foolish as standing in the middle of a four-lane highway and expecting not to get hit by a car. Others hover somewhere in the middle. How do you determine what's a "healthy" level of jealousy and what's getting way out of control?

The good
Everyone gets jealous occasionally. If you love your partner and you feel someone is threatening to take them from you by flirting, it's normal to feel a possessive pang of jealousy... one that's usually sorted out in a second with a bit of reassurance. Other times it's just that you've chosen the wrong person. Match a "normal" person up with someone who presses all the wrong buttons and just watch all that "normalcy" go right out the window as he or she becomes outrageously, irrationally jealous. Sometimes jealousy is warranted. If your partner has a history of playing around or if he's done something to justify your mistrust -- cheated on you or has a history of cheating -- you're wise to keep your eyes open.

The bad
The difference between normal jealousy and abnormal jealousy is this: Truly jealous people experience it with practically every person they date. They could date Mother Theresa and still be convinced she was squeezing in a bit of hanky-panky on her way home from the orphanage. In fact, most jealous people know they have a problem. Once they've calmed down, most also know they've been illogical. The trouble is, when you're in the middle of a jealous rage, you lose all sense of perspective. Jealousy is an incredibly powerful emotion. You can't control it because it's being fed by one continuous thought: Is my partner being unfaithful to me?

Jealous people look at the world through distorted lenses. They see danger where there really isn't any. It also has a lot to do with self-esteem. If you're happy with yourself, you're much more likely to think: Why would my partner want anyone else when they've got me? A healthy ego is great protection against jealousy.

The ugly
Extreme jealousy is an ugly emotion. A doctor friend of mine tells the story of a woman in her 30s with terminal cancer who had to spend a lot of time in bed. She bought some pretty pajamas so she could look good for her husband, but instead of complimenting her, he flew into a jealous rage and accused her of trying to look attractive for the hospital staff. A psychiatrist told me about a patient who wired up his entire house with microphones so he could tape the supposed sex sessions his wife had while he was at work. They weren't rich and he spent their life savings doing it. All he recorded was her doing the dishes and gossiping on the phone to girlfriends. (So much for that vacation they'd been saving up for.) There's another quite bizarre case of a man who was so jealous, he was convinced his wife was being unfaithful during the few minutes he left the bed during the night to use the bathroom.

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Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Online Dating 2day - Love And Heartbreak On Facebook

The highlights of a romance were once trumpeted by the presence of a ring, a ceremony and a joyful notice in the newspaper.

And the bitter lowlights were usually endured in the tearful intimacy of close friends.

These days, however, in a culture permeated by social networking sites like MySpace and Facebook, a simple click of a button can mark the beginning and end of a relationship.

With an apparently dwindling desire and expectation for privacy, people increasingly indicate their "relationship status" on their social networking profile. The risky business of managing a romance is played out before hundreds of "friends," who may range from childhood pals to complete strangers.

That simple little button declaring romantic standing can also complicate existing relationships. These days, one half of a couple may lean on the other to change his or her relationship status to make a digital commitment.

Spencer Raymond, 26, recounts his "crappy" experience.

Raymond says that when he changed his Facebook status to single, he inadvertently hurt his ex-girlfriend. She was barraged with phone calls from several of his 400 friends, an experience he says was uncomfortable for both of them.

"Relationships are hard as it is," says Raymond. Facebook just "adds to the pain of a sensitive situation."

Jamie Barone, however, is quite comfortable publicizing his relationship status online. He lives with and plans to marry his girlfriend, whom he has been dating for 15 months.

About a year ago, as Barone's relationship became serious, he had a discussion with his girlfriend about changing their relationship status from "single" to "in a relationship" on their Facebook profiles.

Why bother getting into that sort of detail on Facebook? While Barone, 28 , hesitates to attach too much importance to Facebook, he says that specifying relationship status is "somewhat meaningful."

"Those things are your billboard," he says. "What you put up there is a reflection of what is going on in your life."

Barone doesn't concern himself with others' disdain of the public testament of his affection. If anyone finds it intrusive or silly, "it's their problem," he says.

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Monday, May 19, 2008

Online Dating 2day - Get On To Know What Woman Seek For Men


Although women have now reached the heights, they still enjoy feeling special and be treated in a special way. Hence, even if you could have the impression that women have reached unimaginable destinations, they would still enjoy these special your gestures that will help them feel wanted and desired.

Regular communication does the trick

A woman waits his man, upon his return messages. This is the easy way inside this girl that judges if a man is in his interest or not. If long it takes to answer you, this girl maybe not that. Therefore, you should file an appeal in its whenever you're free. You can send messages through e-mails, cards or enjoy full SMS. Do not feel you have to do all the time. This girl knows that you are a man occupied. However, communication with her daughter whenever it is necessary desires. Little gestures like this can make him feel that you care for it and it will whenever necessary.

Enjoy the warmth and uphold @ moments best serve

Give w / heat and wished to offer him a pleasant sensation of depth and kiss. This does not mean that you must embrace all the time inside public kiss or for any other reason embarrassing. A simple kiss filled enjoy, without any conditions it may serve this purpose. A kiss him say that the amount you want him. He also does not need to have sex. This girl will definitely throw his arm around you for a kiss, especially when you kiss for no reason. This girl will certainly fall for you so very kiss.

Hugs and dance are the best Arrache-Sum display public works

Dance w / her whenever the weather permits. Both women adopted to become their man. Most men are somewhat reluctant to dance with their wives in a public put in place. This feeling has become overcome. The public display of emotions is loved by women. They would like if you visit a nearby night club along w / sound and dance with his arm in arm. You can have control over music and settings around u. You can play your favorite music if you need it. The only thing that is sound is your presence around it.

Try assembling his choice

Become dressed in the manner sought your honey. This is another excellent way to have around you and make her fall in the arm. The daughter of love, if you want to put this simple link this gifted daughter u. The daughter of love, if you tell him to recall a particular color looks great on u. This girl would enjoy the fact that you dress for it and feel good.

Hey-Never make the mistake of forgetting Dates

Remember dates can make a woman mad for u. This daughter enjoy your shower on you, if you remember these simple steps your love, your first date, the first time you've had a smooch, the first place where we all came out so remember them can truly become a jack card for you and can make their feelings on the roof of the world.

Men tend to imagine! But remembering and following simple things sometimes known jumps mind. These are very simple but very important gestures that a woman watch an @ any sign of love. If you are unable to see them, this girl could not enjoy appreciate your and your approach to love. For him to feel different, try 1 or too many suggestions above.

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