Thursday, May 15, 2008

Online Dating 2day - More About Online Dating Tips

We've covered quite a few online dating tips in previous articles but - what the heck - here are some more to help you get the most out of your online dating experience!

Get yourself a free email address. Don't use your "real" email address until you know the other person a little better. Equally don't give out your real name, your address or anything like that until you feel totally comfortable with the other person.

Photo's are a must with any online dating service. If the other person isn't displaying a photo, the alarm bells should be ringing. If you're still intrigued by them, ask them to send over a photo. If they don't they've got something to hide that you probably don't want to see!

Electronic chat is a great ice-breaker but let's not forget more traditional methods. Once you've got to know the other person, suggest a telephone conversation. Tip - don't use your home telephone number to begin with. A cell phone or telephone booth is safer.

Take it easy. There's no need to rush these things so don't go asking for a date in the first email as it will only make you look desperate and nobody likes someone who is desperate.

If someone looks too good to be true, they probably are. Their picture may make them look like a supermodel but the chances are that the picture IS a supermodel and not them so ask them to send over in a picture in a more traditional pose. If they send one and they really are that good looking, you've hit the jackpot!

Only agree to meet someone when you're completely ready. Never feel pressured into meeting. Always make that first date in a public place and have a back up plan if things don't work out. An old favorite is to get a friend to ring you 30 mins into the date. If things aren't working out, use a special codeword to get your friend to meet you or tell your date that an emergency has come up and you have to leave.

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