Friday, April 25, 2008

Online Dating 2day - What Do Rose Colors Mean?

Dear Rose curious color,
Yes, it is indeed true that each color is past has its own meaning. This represents an excellent opportunity to send a message with your kind donation. Here are the meanings of colors:

Red Rose
This is most obvious. It means "I love you". It represents love and feelings.

Deep Pink
It simply means "thank you". If you know someone is doing something good for you, a deep pink rose is a good way to say "thank you".

Pink Regular
A rose pink represents happiness. It is good to give a pink rose to a partner to say, "I am very pleased with our relationship."

Rose pale
A light pink rose means "sympathy". When someone has been followed by a loss of light pink roses is a beautiful way to express your condolences.

White Rose
A white rose symbolizes purity and innocence. When combined with red roses (see below), it represents "the unity".

Yellow Rose
A yellow rose symbolizes friendship and care. This is the perfect gift to give innocent to a friend or give a loved one when you simply want to say "I care." When administered to a friend, it also means "I am satisfied with our friendship."

Rose Lavender
A lavender rose is a symbol of "falling in love." When you give a person that you say "I fell in love with you and I am delighted to you."

Orange Rose
An orange rose is a symbol of desire. "I want you" or "I want to get to know you better" is the message that send orange roses.

Black Rose
Never a woman a black rose, because Hollywood has, unfortunately, was the sense of being "dead". These are not easy to find and some argue that they are not actually "exist".

Blue Rose
A blue rose is very difficult to reproduce or find, although some floral companies try to do it naturally. Others just die. For some blue rose symbolizes a "mystery" and other "achieving the impossible". A blue rose can symbolize given the rarity of your partner. You have achieved the impossible.

A mixture of white and red roses
When you deliver white and red roses for someone, it is a symbol of unification and unity. "May we always be together as one."

If you want to be creative, you can combine some of these roses to send several messages at once. For example, send lavender and orange roses to say that you fall in love with the person and the desire to know more. Give yellow and pink roses combined to leave a friend in morning know that you care and are sorry for their suffering and losses.

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